Source code for coding.coder

import argparse
import logging
import os

from cicada.coding.code_cache import CodeCache
from cicada.coding.code_executor import CodeExecutor
from cicada.coding.code_generator import CodeGenerator
from cicada.common.basics import DesignGoal
from cicada.common.utils import colorstring, cprint

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Coder: def __init__( self, api_key, api_base_url, model_name, org_id, prompt_templates, code_master_config: dict = None, max_coding_iterations: int = 10, **model_kwargs, ): # Initialize components code_executor = CodeExecutor() code_cache = CodeCache(db_file="code-generator.db") code_generator = CodeGenerator( api_key, api_base_url, model_name, org_id, prompt_templates, **model_kwargs, ) if code_master_config: code_master = CodeGenerator( code_master_config.get("api_key", api_key), code_master_config.get("api_base_url", api_base_url), code_master_config.get("model_name", model_name), code_master_config.get("org_id", org_id), prompt_templates, **code_master_config.get("model_kwargs", model_kwargs), ) else: code_master = None self.code_generator = code_generator self.code_executor = code_executor self.code_cache = code_cache self.code_master = code_master self.max_coding_iterations = max_coding_iterations
[docs] def generate_executable_code( self, design_goal: DesignGoal, feedbacks: str = None, generated_code: str = None, coding_plan: dict = None, ) -> tuple[str, dict] | None: # Generate plan coding_plan = self.code_generator.plan_code( design_goal, feedbacks=feedbacks, previous_plan=coding_plan ) cprint(f"Coding plan:\n{coding_plan}", "bright_blue") use_master = False # Iterate to generate executable code for i in range(self.max_coding_iterations): cprint( f"[code generation] Iteration {i + 1}/{self.max_coding_iterations}", "magenta", ) if i >= 2 / 3 * self.max_coding_iterations: use_master = True # Generate or fix code generator = ( self.code_master if use_master and self.code_master else self.code_generator ) generated_code = generator.generate_or_fix_code( design_goal, coding_plan, existing_code=generated_code, feedbacks=feedbacks, ) # Validate is_valid, errors = self.code_executor.validate_code(generated_code) if not is_valid: feedbacks = errors cprint(f"Code is not valid:\n{errors}", "bright_yellow") continue # Execute is_runnable, results = self.code_executor.execute_code( generated_code, test_run=True ) if not is_runnable: feedbacks = results cprint(f"Code is not runnable:\n{results}", "bright_yellow") continue # return the code if it is valid and executable cprint(f"Executable code generated:\n{generated_code}", "bright_green") return generated_code, coding_plan # If we reach here, it means we failed to generate valid and executable code after max_coding_iterations iterations. cprint( f"[code generation] Maximum iterations ({self.max_coding_iterations}) reached without generating valid and executable code.", "bright_red", ) return None, None
[docs] def render_from_code( self, code: str, output_dir: str, format: str = "stl" ) -> tuple[bool, str, str]: os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Patch the code with export function code_with_export, _ = self.code_generator.patch_code_to_export( code=code, format=format ) # Save both code versions self.code_generator.save_code_to_file(code, os.path.join(output_dir, "")) self.code_generator.save_code_to_file( code_with_export, os.path.join(output_dir, "") ) # Execute the code is_valid, messages = self.code_executor.execute_and_save( code_with_export, output_dir ) if not is_valid: logger.error(f"Code is not valid during export: {messages}") else:"Code is valid during export: {messages}") return is_valid, messages, output_dir
def _mark_iteration_as_runnable(self, iteration_id): self.code_cache.update_iteration(iteration_id, is_runnable=True) colorstring(f"Marked iteration {iteration_id} as runnable.", "bright_blue") )
[docs] def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test the Coder Class.") parser.add_argument( "--config", default="config.yaml", help="Path to the configuration YAML folder", ) parser.add_argument( "--master_config_path", default="config.yaml", help="Path to the master configuration YAML folder", ) parser.add_argument( "--prompts", default="prompts.yaml", help="Path to the prompts YAML folder", ) parser.add_argument( "design_goal", type=str, help="Path to the design goal JSON file", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output_dir", default="./coder_test_results", help="Directory to save the results of the test", ) return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__": from cicada.common.utils import load_config, load_prompts, setup_logging args = parse_args() setup_logging() # Load configuration and prompts coder_config = load_config(args.config, "code-llm") master_code_llm_config = load_config(args.config, "master-code-llm") prompts = load_prompts(args.prompts, "code-llm") try: master_code_llm_config = load_config(args.master_config_path, "master-code-llm") except FileNotFoundError as e: master_code_llm_config = None logger.warning(f"Master code LLM configuration not found: {e}") coder = Coder( coder_config.get("api_key"), coder_config.get("api_base_url"), coder_config.get("model_name"), coder_config.get("org_id"), prompts, code_master_config=master_code_llm_config, max_coding_iterations=coder_config.get("max_coding_iterations", 10), **coder_config.get("model_kwargs", {}), ) # Create a design goal design_goal = DesignGoal.from_json(args.design_goal) # Generate executable code best_code, best_coding_plan = coder.generate_executable_code(design_goal) if best_code: # Render the code is_success, message, render_dir = coder.render_from_code( best_code, args.output_dir, format="stl" ) if is_success:"Code rendered successfully: {render_dir}") else: logger.error(f"Failed to render code: {message}") else: logger.error("Failed to generate any executable code.")