Source code for describe.describer_v2

import logging
import signal
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple

import questionary
from questionary import Style

from cicada.common import vlm
from cicada.common.basics import DesignGoal, PromptBuilder
from cicada.common.utils import colorstring, parse_json_response

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MAX_IMAGES_PER_QUERY = 4  # to prevent input exceed max input token

# Define a custom style for questionary prompts
custom_style = Style(
        ("question", "fg:#ff0000 bold"),  # Red and bold for questions
        ("answer", "fg:#00ff00 underline"),  # Green and underlined for answers

[docs] class Describer(vlm.VisionLanguageModel): def __init__( self, api_key, api_base_url, model_name, org_id, prompt_templates, **model_kwargs, ): super().__init__( api_key, api_base_url, model_name, org_id, **model_kwargs, ) self.reverse_engineer_prompt = prompt_templates.get("reverse_engineer", {}) self.featurize_design_prompt = prompt_templates.get("featurize_design", {})
[docs] def featurize_design_goal_with_confidence( self, design_goal: DesignGoal, user_feedback: str = None ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], str]: """ Generate a refined design based on the user's goal. Returns a tuple of (parsed JSON result, raw response). """ text_goal = design_goal.text ref_images = design_goal.images logging.debug( f"Featurizing design goal: {text_goal}, with images: {ref_images}" ) pb = PromptBuilder() pb.add_system_prompt(self.featurize_design_prompt["system_prompt_template"]) pb.add_user_prompt(f"The current design goal: '{text_goal}'.") if ref_images: pb.add_text("The following reference images are provided:") pb.add_images(ref_images) if user_feedback: pb.add_text( "The user has provided the following feedback, please revise the current design against the feedback:" ) pb.add_text(user_feedback) pb.add_user_prompt(self.featurize_design_prompt["user_prompt_template"]) # Query the VLM with images and prompt response = self.query_with_promptbuilder(pb) # Parse the JSON response json_result = parse_json_response(response) return json_result, response
[docs] def decompose_design(self, design_goal: DesignGoal) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], str]: """ Decompose the design into its constituent parts, specifying building methods and geometric details. Returns a tuple of (parsed JSON result, raw response). """ text_goal = design_goal.text ref_images = design_goal.images logging.debug( f"Decomposing design goal: {text_goal}, with images: {ref_images}" ) # Dynamically construct the text_goal_section based on whether text_goal is provided if text_goal: text_goal_section = ( f"The user has provided the following design goal: '{text_goal}'. " "Use this as the primary input for reverse engineering the design. " "The provided images are for reference only.\n\n" ) else: text_goal_section = ( "The user has provided the following images. " "Use these as the primary input for reverse engineering the design.\n\n" ) # Replace the {text_goal_section} placeholder in the user prompt template user_prompt = self.reverse_engineer_prompt["user_prompt_template"].format( text_goal_section=text_goal_section ) # Prepare the prompt for decomposing the design pb = PromptBuilder() pb.add_system_prompt(self.reverse_engineer_prompt["system_prompt_template"]) pb.add_user_prompt(user_prompt) if ref_images: pb.add_text("The following is a set of reference images:") pb.add_images(ref_images) # Query the VLM with images and prompt response = self.query_with_promptbuilder(pb) # Parse the JSON response json_result = parse_json_response(response) return json_result, response
def _analyze_text_goal_against_images( self, text_goal: str, ref_images: list ) -> bool: """ Analyze the text goal against reference images and ask for confirmation if there's a conflict. Returns True if the user confirms to proceed, False otherwise. """ logging.debug(f"Analyzing text goal against reference images: {text_goal}") # Prepare a prompt to analyze the text goal against images analysis_prompt = ( "The user has provided the following text goal:\n" f"{text_goal}\n\n" "The following reference images are also provided:\n" f"{ref_images}\n\n" "Your task is to analyze whether the text goal aligns with the reference images. " "If there is a conflict, highlight it and ask for user confirmation.\n\n" "Return the analysis in JSON format." ) pb = PromptBuilder() pb.add_system_prompt(self.featurize_design_prompt["system_prompt_template"]) pb.add_user_prompt(analysis_prompt) # Query the VLM with the analysis prompt response = self.query_with_promptbuilder(pb) analysis_result = parse_json_response(response) # If there's a conflict, ask for user confirmation if analysis_result.get("conflict_detected", False): print( colorstring( "\nConflict detected between text goal and reference images.", "bright_red", ) ) confirmation = questionary.confirm( "The system detected a conflict between your text goal and reference images. Do you want to proceed with the current text goal?", style=custom_style, ).ask() if not confirmation: print( colorstring( "Please revise your text goal or reference images and try again.", "bright_yellow", ) ) return False return True
[docs] def design_feedback_loop( self, design: DesignGoal, iteration: int = 1, max_iterations: int = 5, feedback: str = None, ) -> DesignGoal: """ Execute the complete design feedback cycle using recursion. """ # Handle Ctrl+C gracefully def signal_handler(sig, frame): print("\nProcess interrupted by user. Exiting...") sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # Base case: Maximum iterations reached if iteration > max_iterations: logger.warning(f"Maximum iterations ({max_iterations}) reached") # decompose the design and return the result updated_design = self._update_design_with_decomposition(design) return updated_design"Starting iteration {iteration}/{max_iterations}") try: logging.debug(f"Current Design: {design.text}") # At the start of the first iteration, check for conflicts between text goal and reference images if iteration == 1 and design.images: if not self._analyze_text_goal_against_images( design.text, design.images ): sys.exit(0) # Generate VLM response and parse the JSON result updated_design_result, response = ( self.featurize_design_goal_with_confidence(design, feedback) ) updated_design_text = updated_design_result.get( "current_design", design.text ) updated_design = DesignGoal(updated_design_text, design.images) # Display the proposed design to the user print(f"\n{'='*40}\nIteration {iteration}/{max_iterations}") print(f"Proposed Design:\n{updated_design_text}") # Always require confirmation after the first iteration if iteration == 1: print( colorstring( "\nThe system requires your feedback or confirmation after the first iteration.", "bright_yellow", ) ) elif updated_design_result.get("needs_human_validation", True): print( colorstring( "\nThe system requires your feedback or confirmation.", "bright_yellow", ) ) else: print( colorstring( "\nThe system is confident in this solution.", "bright_blue" ) ) # Always allow the user to provide feedback # Define static choices once choices = [ {"name": "Provide Feedback", "value": "feedback"}, {"name": "Confirm", "value": "confirm"}, {"name": "Exit", "value": "exit"}, ] # Multi-choice prompt with dynamic choices action = "What would you like to do?", choices=choices, style=custom_style, ).ask() if action == "exit":"Exiting feedback loop by user request") return updated_design elif action == "confirm": # Confirm the design"Design confirmed. Decomposing the final design...") updated_design = self._update_design_with_decomposition(updated_design) return updated_design elif action == "feedback": # Allow the user to provide custom feedback feedback = questionary.text( "Please provide your feedback:", validate=lambda text: len(text.strip()) > 0 or "Feedback cannot be empty.", style=custom_style, ).ask() # Recursively call the function with the updated design, incremented iteration, and feedback return self.design_feedback_loop( updated_design, iteration + 1, max_iterations, feedback ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Iteration {iteration} failed: {e}") raise e
def _update_design_with_decomposition(self, updated_design) -> DesignGoal: decomposition_result, _ = self.decompose_design(updated_design)"Decomposition Result:\n{decomposition_result}") print(f"\n{'='*40}\nDecomposition Result:\n{decomposition_result}") # Store the decomposition result in design_goal.extra if not hasattr(updated_design, "extra"): updated_design.extra = {} updated_design.extra["decomposition"] = decomposition_result return updated_design
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse import json import os from cicada.common.utils import ( colorstring, load_config, load_prompts, setup_logging, ) setup_logging() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Vision Language Model") parser.add_argument( "--config", default="config.yaml", help="Path to the configuration YAML file" ) parser.add_argument( "--prompts", default="prompts/", help="Path to the prompts YAML file" ) parser.add_argument( "text_goal", type=str, help="The text goal for the design", ) parser.add_argument( "-img", "--ref_images", type=str, default=None, help="Paths to reference images for the design", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", type=str, default="/tmp/cicada/refined_design_goal.json", help="Path to the output JSON file", ) args = parser.parse_args() describe_vlm_config = load_config(args.config, "describe-vlm") vlm = Describer( describe_vlm_config["api_key"], describe_vlm_config.get("api_base_url"), describe_vlm_config.get("model_name", "gpt-4o"), describe_vlm_config.get("org_id"), load_prompts(args.prompts, "describe-vlm"), **describe_vlm_config.get("model_kwargs", {}), ) design_goal = DesignGoal(args.text_goal, args.ref_images) print(design_goal) # Run the feedback loop process try: refined_design = vlm.design_feedback_loop(design_goal)"Design process completed successfully")"Refined Design:\n{refined_design}", "white")) if args.output: # make outdir os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.output), exist_ok=True) # save refined design to output file with open(args.output, "w") as f: json.dump(refined_design.to_dict(), f, indent=4)"Refined design saved to {args.output}") except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warning("Process interrupted by user") sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Design process failed: {e}") sys.exit(1)