Source code for geometry_pipeline.convert

import logging
import os
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import trimesh
from plyfile import PlyData, PlyElement

# TODO: should be adaptive to the size of the mesh
DEFAULT_RGB = (88, 88, 88)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def recenter_and_reaxis_mesh( mesh: trimesh.Trimesh, ) -> Tuple[trimesh.Trimesh, np.ndarray]: """ Recenter and reaxis the mesh using its principal inertia transform, ensuring that the mesh is oriented such that the gravity vector (negative Z-axis) aligns with the principal axis corresponding to the object's "up" direction. Args: mesh (trimesh.Trimesh): The input mesh. Returns: Tuple[trimesh.Trimesh, np.ndarray]: The transformed mesh and the transformation matrix. """ # Get the principal inertia transform transformation_matrix = mesh.principal_inertia_transform logger.debug(f"[Transform] principal inertia transform: \n{transformation_matrix}") # Apply the transformation to the mesh transformed_mesh = mesh.copy() transformed_mesh.apply_transform(transformation_matrix) # Ensure that the mesh is oriented such that the gravity vector (negative Z-axis) # aligns with the principal axis corresponding to the object's "up" direction. # We assume that the principal axis corresponding to the smallest moment of inertia # is the "up" direction. moments_of_inertia = transformed_mesh.moment_inertia principal_axes = np.diag(moments_of_inertia) # Find the index of the smallest moment of inertia (assumed to be the "up" direction) up_axis_index = np.argmin(principal_axes) # Adjusted rotation logic to align the object's "up" direction with +Y (trimesh's upward direction) # 调整旋转逻辑,将物体的“上”方向对齐到+Y轴(trimesh的垂直正方向) if up_axis_index == 0: # X-axis -> Rotate 90° around Z to align X to Y rotation_matrix = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) elif up_axis_index == 2: # Z-axis -> Rotate -90° around X to align Z to Y rotation_matrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0]]) else: # Y-axis (no rotation needed) rotation_matrix = np.eye(3) # Convert the 3x3 rotation matrix to a 4x4 transformation matrix rotation_matrix_4x4 = np.eye(4) rotation_matrix_4x4[:3, :3] = rotation_matrix # Apply the rotation to the transformed mesh transformed_mesh.apply_transform(rotation_matrix_4x4) # Combine the original transformation matrix with the rotation matrix combined_transform =, transformation_matrix) transformation_matrix = combined_transform logger.debug( f"[Transform] mesh transformed with principal inertia transform and aligned with gravity" ) return transformed_mesh, transformation_matrix
[docs] def step2mesh(step_path: str) -> trimesh.Trimesh: """ Convert a STEP file to a mesh using GMSH. Args: step_path (str): Path to the STEP file. Returns: trimesh.Trimesh: The generated mesh. """ mesh = trimesh.Trimesh( **trimesh.interfaces.gmsh.load_gmsh( file_name=step_path, gmsh_args=[ ("Mesh.Algorithm", 5), ("Mesh.Algorithm3D", 1), ("Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromCurvature", 50), ("General.NumThreads", 10), ("Mesh.MinimumCirclePoints", 32), ], ) ) logger.debug( f"[step2mesh] mesh loaded from {step_path}, {mesh.vertices.shape[0]} vertices" ) return mesh
[docs] def step2obj(step_path: str, out_path: str) -> str: """ Convert a STEP file to an OBJ file. Args: step_path (str): Path to the STEP file. out_path (str): Directory to save the OBJ file. Returns: str: Path to the saved OBJ file. """ m = step2mesh(step_path) m, _ = recenter_and_reaxis_mesh(m) obj_path = os.path.join( out_path, os.path.basename(step_path).replace(".step", ".obj") ) m.export(obj_path, file_type="obj")"[step2obj] mesh saved to {obj_path}") return obj_path
[docs] def step2stl(step_path: str, out_path: str) -> str: """ Convert a STEP file to an STL file. Args: step_path (str): Path to the STEP file. out_path (str): Directory to save the STL file. Returns: str: Path to the saved STL file. """ mesh = step2mesh(step_path) stl_path = os.path.join( out_path, os.path.basename(step_path).replace(".step", ".stl") ) mesh.export(stl_path, file_type="stl")"STEP file converted to STL: {stl_path}") return stl_path
[docs] def stl2obj(stl_path: str, out_path: str) -> str: """ Convert an STL file to an OBJ file. Args: stl_path (str): Path to the STL file. out_path (str): Directory to save the OBJ file. Returns: str: Path to the saved OBJ file. """ mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(stl_path) obj_path = os.path.join( out_path, os.path.basename(stl_path).replace(".stl", ".obj") ) mesh.export(obj_path, file_type="obj")"STL file converted to OBJ: {obj_path}") return obj_path
[docs] def obj2stl(obj_path: str, out_path: str) -> str: """ Convert an OBJ file to an STL file. Args: obj_path (str): Path to the OBJ file. out_path (str): Directory to save the STL file. Returns: str: Path to the saved STL file. """ mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(obj_path) stl_path = os.path.join( out_path, os.path.basename(obj_path).replace(".obj", ".stl") ) mesh.export(stl_path, file_type="stl")"OBJ file converted to STL: {stl_path}") return stl_path
[docs] def write_ply( points: np.ndarray, filename: str, text: bool = False, default_rgb: Tuple[int, int, int] = DEFAULT_RGB, ) -> None: """ Write points to a PLY file. Args: points (np.ndarray): Nx3 array of points. filename (str): Path to save the PLY file. text (bool): Whether to save the PLY file in text format. default_rgb (Tuple[int, int, int]): Default RGB color for the points. """ points = [ ( points[i, 0], points[i, 1], points[i, 2], default_rgb[0], default_rgb[1], default_rgb[2], ) for i in range(points.shape[0]) ] vertex = np.array( points, dtype=[ ("x", "f4"), ("y", "f4"), ("z", "f4"), ("red", "u1"), ("green", "u1"), ("blue", "u1"), ], ) el = PlyElement.describe(vertex, "vertex", comments=["vertices"]) with open(filename, mode="wb") as f: PlyData([el], text=text).write(f) logger.debug(f"[write_ply] saved to {filename}, with default rgb is {default_rgb}")
[docs] def obj2pc(obj_path: str, out_path: str) -> str: """ Convert an OBJ file to a point cloud (PLY format). Args: obj_path (str): Path to the OBJ file. out_path (str): Directory to save the PLY file. Returns: str: Path to the saved PLY file. """ m = trimesh.load_mesh(obj_path) logger.debug( f"[obj2pc] mesh loaded from {obj_path} with {m.vertices.shape[0]} vertices" ) pc_path = os.path.join(out_path, os.path.basename(obj_path).replace(".obj", ".ply")) pc = trimesh.PointCloud(m.sample(POINTCLOUD_N_POINTS)) logger.debug(f"[obj2pc] convert to pointcloud, with {pc.vertices.shape[0]} points") pc = pc.vertices write_ply(pc, pc_path)"[obj2pc] pointcloud saved to {pc_path}") return pc_path
[docs] def stl2pc(stl_path: str, out_path: str) -> str: """ Convert an STL file to a point cloud (PLY format). Args: stl_path (str): Path to the STL file. out_path (str): Directory to save the PLY file. Returns: str: Path to the saved PLY file. """ mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(stl_path) pc_path = os.path.join(out_path, os.path.basename(stl_path).replace(".stl", ".ply")) pc = trimesh.PointCloud(mesh.sample(POINTCLOUD_N_POINTS)) write_ply(pc.vertices, pc_path)"STL file converted to point cloud: {pc_path}") return pc_path
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("--obj_file", type=str) group.add_argument("--step_file", type=str) group.add_argument("--stl_file", type=str) group_action = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group_action.add_argument("--convert_step2obj", action="store_true") group_action.add_argument("--convert_obj2pc", action="store_true") group_action.add_argument("--convert_step2stl", action="store_true") group_action.add_argument("--convert_obj2stl", action="store_true") group_action.add_argument("--convert_stl2obj", action="store_true") group_action.add_argument("--convert_stl2pc", action="store_true") group_action.add_argument( "--reaxis_gravity", action="store_true", help="Recenter and reaxis the mesh to align with gravity.", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.obj_file: obj_file = args.obj_file out_path = os.path.dirname(obj_file) if args.convert_obj2pc: obj2pc(obj_file, out_path) elif args.convert_obj2stl: obj2stl(obj_file, out_path) elif args.reaxis_gravity: mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(obj_file) transformed_mesh, _ = recenter_and_reaxis_mesh(mesh) transformed_mesh.export(obj_file, file_type="obj")"Mesh reoriented with gravity and saved to {obj_file}") else: logger.error("No valid action selected for OBJ file.") elif args.step_file: step_file = args.step_file out_path = os.path.dirname(step_file) if args.convert_step2obj: step2obj(step_file, out_path) elif args.convert_step2stl: step2stl(step_file, out_path) else: logger.error("No valid action selected for STEP file.") elif args.stl_file: stl_file = args.stl_file out_path = os.path.dirname(stl_file) if args.convert_stl2obj: stl2obj(stl_file, out_path) elif args.convert_stl2pc: stl2pc(stl_file, out_path) elif args.reaxis_gravity: mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(stl_file) transformed_mesh, _ = recenter_and_reaxis_mesh(mesh) transformed_mesh.export(stl_file, file_type="stl")"Mesh reoriented with gravity and saved to {stl_file}") else: logger.error("No valid action selected for STL file.")