[docs]classDocument:"""A simple class to hold text and metadata."""def__init__(self,page_content:str,metadata:Optional[Dict]=None):""" Initialize a Document instance. Args: page_content (str): The text content of the document. metadata (Optional[Dict]): A dictionary of metadata associated with the document. Defaults to None. """self.page_content=page_contentself.metadata=metadataor{}def__str__(self):""" Return a string representation of the Document instance. Returns: str: A string representation of the Document. """metadata_str=", ".join(f"{k}: {v}"fork,vinself.metadata.items())return(f"Document(page_content='{self.page_content}', metadata={{{metadata_str}}})")
[docs]defpretty_print(self,indent:int=0):""" Return a formatted string representation of the Document instance with optional indentation. Args: indent (int): The number of spaces to indent the output. Defaults to 0. Returns: str: A formatted string representation of the Document. """indent_str=" "*indentmetadata_str=(",\n"+indent_str+" ".join(f"{k}: {v}"fork,vinself.metadata.items()))returnf"{indent_str}Document(\n{indent_str} page_content='{self.page_content}',\n{indent_str} metadata={{{metadata_str}\n{indent_str}}})"
def__repr__(self):""" Return a detailed string representation of the Document instance. Returns: str: A detailed string representation of the Document. """returnself.__str__()
[docs]classEmbeddings:"""Base class for embedding models."""
[docs]defembed_query(self,text:str)->List[float]:""" Generate an embedding for a single query text. Args: text (str): The text to embed. Returns: List[float]: The embedding vector. """raiseNotImplementedError
[docs]defembed_documents(self,texts:Union[List[str],str,Document,List[Document]])->List[List[float]]:""" Generate embeddings for a list of texts, a single text, a Document, or a list of Documents. Args: texts: Can be a list of strings, a single string, a Document, or a list of Documents. Returns: List[List[float]]: A list of embeddings, where each embedding is a list of floats. """raiseNotImplementedError
[docs]classVectorStore:"""Base class for vector stores."""
[docs]defadd_texts(self,texts:List[str],metadatas:Optional[List[Dict]]=None)->List[str]:""" Add texts to the vector store with optional metadata. Args: texts (List[str]): A list of texts to add. metadatas (Optional[List[Dict]]): A list of metadata dictionaries corresponding to the texts. Defaults to None. Returns: List[str]: A list of IDs or keys associated with the added texts. """raiseNotImplementedError
[docs]defsimilarity_search(self,query:str,k:int=4)->List[Document]:""" Perform a similarity search for the given query string. Args: query (str): The query string to search for. k (int): The number of results to return. Defaults to 4. Returns: List[Document]: A list of Document instances that are most similar to the query. """raiseNotImplementedError
[docs]defsimilarity_search_by_vector(self,embedding:List[float],k:int=4)->List[Document]:""" Perform a similarity search using a precomputed embedding vector. Args: embedding (List[float]): The embedding vector to search with. k (int): The number of results to return. Defaults to 4. Returns: List[Document]: A list of Document instances that are most similar to the embedding. """raiseNotImplementedError