Source code for retrieval.sqlitevec_store

import json
import logging
import sqlite3
import struct
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from cicada.common.utils import colorstring
from cicada.retrieval.basics import Document, Embeddings, VectorStore

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SQLiteVec(VectorStore): """SQLite with Vec extension as a vector database.""" def __init__( self, table: str, db_file: str = "vec.db", pool_size: int = 5, embedding: Optional[Embeddings] = None, ): """Initialize the SQLiteVec instance. Args: table (str): The name of the table to store the vectors. db_file (str, optional): The path to the SQLite database file. Defaults to "vec.db". pool_size (int, optional): The size of the connection pool. Defaults to 5. embedding (Embeddings, optional): The embedding model to use. Defaults to None. """ self._db_file = db_file self._table = table self._embedding = embedding self._pool = self._create_connection_pool(pool_size) self.create_table_if_not_exists() self.create_metadata_table()
[docs] def drop_table(self): """Drop the main table and the virtual table if they exist.""" connection = self._get_connection() try: # Drop the main table connection.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {self._table}") # Drop the virtual table connection.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {self._table}_vec") connection.commit() colorstring( f"Dropped tables: {self._table} and {self._table}_vec", "red" ) ) except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error(colorstring(f"Failed to drop tables: {e}", "red")) raise e finally: self._release_connection(connection)
[docs] def create_table(self): """Create the main table and the virtual table.""" connection = self._get_connection() try: # Create the main table connection.execute( f""" CREATE TABLE {self._table} ( rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, text TEXT, metadata BLOB, text_embedding BLOB ); """ ) # Create the virtual table connection.execute( f""" CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE {self._table}_vec USING vec0( rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, text_embedding float[{self.get_dimensionality()}] ); """ ) connection.commit() colorstring( f"Created tables: {self._table} and {self._table}_vec", "green" ) ) except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error(colorstring(f"Failed to create tables: {e}", "red")) raise e finally: self._release_connection(connection)
def _create_connection_pool(self, pool_size: int) -> List[sqlite3.Connection]: """Create a connection pool for SQLite. Args: pool_size (int): The size of the connection pool. Returns: List[sqlite3.Connection]: A list of SQLite connections. """ pool = [] for _ in range(pool_size): connection = self._create_connection() pool.append(connection) colorstring( f"Created SQLite connection pool with {pool_size} connections", "green" ) ) return pool def _get_connection(self) -> sqlite3.Connection: """Get a connection from the pool. Returns: sqlite3.Connection: A SQLite connection. """ if not self._pool: logger.warning( colorstring( "Connection pool is empty. Creating a new connection.", "yellow" ) ) return self._create_connection() return self._pool.pop() def _release_connection(self, connection: sqlite3.Connection): """Release a connection back to the pool. Args: connection (sqlite3.Connection): The SQLite connection to release. """ self._pool.append(connection) def _create_connection(self) -> sqlite3.Connection: """Create a single SQLite connection. Returns: sqlite3.Connection: A SQLite connection. Raises: ImportError: If the sqlite_vec extension is not installed. sqlite3.Error: If the connection to the database fails. """ try: import sqlite_vec connection = sqlite3.connect(self._db_file) connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row connection.enable_load_extension(True) sqlite_vec.load(connection) connection.enable_load_extension(False) colorstring( f"Successfully connected to SQLite database: {self._db_file}", "green", ) ) return connection except ImportError as e: logger.error( colorstring( "Failed to load sqlite_vec extension. Please ensure it is installed.", "red", ) ) raise e except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error( colorstring(f"Failed to connect to SQLite database: {e}", "red") ) raise e
[docs] def create_table_if_not_exists(self): """Create tables if they don't exist. Raises: sqlite3.Error: If the table creation fails. """ connection = self._get_connection() try: # Check if the main table exists cursor = connection.execute( f"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{self._table}'" ) main_table_exists = cursor.fetchone() is not None # Check if the virtual table exists cursor = connection.execute( f"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{self._table}_vec'" ) virtual_table_exists = cursor.fetchone() is not None # If either table does not exist, create both tables if not main_table_exists or not virtual_table_exists: self.create_table() colorstring( f"Tables created: {self._table}, {self._table}_vec", "green", ) ) else: colorstring( f"Tables already exist: {self._table}, {self._table}_vec", "blue", ) ) except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error(colorstring(f"Failed to check or create tables: {e}", "red")) raise e finally: self._release_connection(connection)
[docs] def create_metadata_table(self): """Create metadata table if not exists""" connection = self._get_connection() try: connection.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metadata (key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT)" ) connection.commit() finally: self._release_connection(connection)
[docs] def get_metadata(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get metadata value by key. Args: key (str): The key to retrieve the metadata value for. Returns: Optional[str]: The metadata value if found, otherwise None. """ connection = self._get_connection() try: cursor = connection.execute( "SELECT value FROM metadata WHERE key = ?", (key,) ) result = cursor.fetchone() return result[0] if result else None finally: self._release_connection(connection)
[docs] def set_metadata(self, key: str, value: str): """Set metadata key-value pair. Args: key (str): The key to set. value (str): The value to associate with the key. """ connection = self._get_connection() try: connection.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)", (key, value), ) connection.commit() finally: self._release_connection(connection)
[docs] def delete_by_ids(self, ids: List[str]): """Delete documents by their row IDs.""" connection = self._get_connection() try: placeholders = ",".join("?" for _ in ids) # Delete from main table connection.execute( f"DELETE FROM {self._table} WHERE rowid IN ({placeholders})", ids ) # Delete from virtual table connection.execute( f"DELETE FROM {self._table}_vec WHERE rowid IN ({placeholders})", ids ) connection.commit()"Deleted {len(ids)} documents", "blue")) except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error(colorstring(f"Failed to delete documents: {e}", "red")) raise e finally: self._release_connection(connection)
[docs] def add_texts( self, texts: List[str], metadatas: Optional[List[Dict]] = None ) -> List[str]: """Add texts to the vector store. Args: texts (List[str]): The list of texts to add. metadatas (Optional[List[Dict]], optional): The list of metadata dictionaries. Defaults to None. Returns: List[str]: The list of row IDs for the added texts. Raises: sqlite3.Error: If the addition of texts fails. """ connection = self._get_connection() try: embeds = self._embedding.embed_documents(texts) metadatas = metadatas or [{} for _ in texts] data_input = [ (text, json.dumps(metadata), self.serialize_f32(embed)) for text, metadata, embed in zip(texts, metadatas, embeds) ] # Insert into the main table and get the rowids rowids = [] for text, metadata, embed in zip(texts, metadatas, embeds): cursor = connection.execute( f"INSERT INTO {self._table}(text, metadata, text_embedding) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (text, json.dumps(metadata), self.serialize_f32(embed)), ) rowid = cursor.lastrowid # Get the rowid of the inserted row rowids.append(rowid) # Insert into the virtual table connection.execute( f"INSERT INTO {self._table}_vec(rowid, text_embedding) VALUES (?, ?)", (rowid, self.serialize_f32(embed)), ) connection.commit() colorstring(f"Added {len(texts)} texts to the vector store", "blue") ) return [str(rowid) for rowid in rowids] except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error(colorstring(f"Failed to add texts: {e}", "red")) raise e finally: self._release_connection(connection)
[docs] def add_texts_with_embeddings( self, texts: List[str], embeddings: List[List[float]], metadatas: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, ) -> List[str]: """Add texts with precomputed embeddings to the vector store. Args: texts (List[str]): The list of texts to add. embeddings (List[List[float]]): The list of precomputed embeddings. metadatas (Optional[List[Dict]], optional): The list of metadata dictionaries. Defaults to None. Returns: List[str]: The list of row IDs for the added texts. Raises: sqlite3.Error: If the addition of texts fails. """ if len(texts) != len(embeddings): raise ValueError("The number of texts and embeddings must be the same.") connection = self._get_connection() try: metadatas = metadatas or [{} for _ in texts] rowids = [] # Insert into the main table and get the rowids for text, metadata, embed in zip(texts, metadatas, embeddings): cursor = connection.execute( f"INSERT INTO {self._table}(text, metadata, text_embedding) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (text, json.dumps(metadata), self.serialize_f32(embed)), ) rowid = cursor.lastrowid # Get the rowid of the inserted row rowids.append(rowid) # Insert into the virtual table connection.execute( f"INSERT INTO {self._table}_vec(rowid, text_embedding) VALUES (?, ?)", (rowid, self.serialize_f32(embed)), ) connection.commit() colorstring(f"Added {len(texts)} texts to the vector store", "blue") ) return [str(rowid) for rowid in rowids] except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error(colorstring(f"Failed to add texts: {e}", "red")) raise e finally: self._release_connection(connection)
[docs] def similarity_search_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, distance_metric: str = "cosine" ) -> Tuple[List[Document], List[float]]: """Perform a similarity search by vector with configurable distance metrics. Args: embedding (List[float]): The embedding vector to search with. k (int, optional): The number of results to return. Defaults to 4. distance_metric (str, optional): Distance metric to use. Supported: 'l2' (Euclidean), 'cosine'. Defaults to "l2". see for more details. Returns: Tuple[List[Document], List[float]]: Documents and similarity scores. """ # Validate distance metric if distance_metric not in ["l2", "cosine"]: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported distance metric: {distance_metric}. Use 'l2' or 'cosine'." ) # Normalization check (same for both implementations) if distance_metric == "cosine": l2_norm = sum(x**2 for x in embedding) ** 0.5 if not (0.99 < l2_norm < 1.01): distance_metric = "l2" logger.warning( colorstring("Non-unit vector - using L2 distance", "yellow") ) connection = self._get_connection() try: cursor = connection.cursor() # Use SQLiteVec's built-in distance functions match distance_metric: case "l2": distance_function = "vec_distance_l2" case "cosine": distance_function = "vec_distance_cosine" case _: raise ValueError("Invalid distance metric. Use 'l2', or 'cosine'.") cursor.execute( f""" SELECT text, metadata, {distance_function}(v.text_embedding, ?) AS distance FROM {self._table} AS e INNER JOIN {self._table}_vec AS v ON v.rowid = e.rowid WHERE v.text_embedding MATCH ? AND k = ? ORDER BY distance LIMIT ? """, [ self.serialize_f32(embedding), # For distance calculation self.serialize_f32(embedding), # For MATCH operator k, # For MATCH operator k, # For LIMIT ], ) results = [] scores = [] for row in cursor.fetchall(): document = Document( page_content=row["text"], metadata=json.loads(row["metadata"]) ) results.append(document) scores.append(row["distance"]) colorstring( f"Found {len(results)} results using {distance_metric} metric", "cyan", ) ) return results, scores except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error( colorstring(f"Similarity search failed ({distance_metric}): {e}", "red") ) raise e finally: self._release_connection(connection)
[docs] @staticmethod def serialize_f32(vector: List[float]) -> bytes: """Serialize a list of floats into bytes. Args: vector (List[float]): The list of floats to serialize. Returns: bytes: The serialized bytes. """ return struct.pack(f"{len(vector)}f", *vector)
[docs] def get_dimensionality(self) -> int: """Get the dimensionality of the embeddings. Returns: int: The dimensionality of the embeddings. """ return len(self._embedding.embed_query("dummy text"))
if __name__ == "__main__": """Test the SQLiteVec class with SiliconFlowEmbeddings.""" import argparse from cicada.common.utils import cprint, load_config, setup_logging from cicada.retrieval.siliconflow_embeddings import SiliconFlowEmbeddings from cicada.retrieval.siliconflow_rerank import SiliconFlowRerank setup_logging() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Feedback Judge") parser.add_argument( "--config", default="config.yaml", help="Path to the configuration YAML file" ) args = parser.parse_args() embed_config = load_config(args.config, "embed") embedding_model = SiliconFlowEmbeddings( embed_config["api_key"], embed_config.get("api_base_url"), embed_config.get("model_name", "text-embedding-3-small"), embed_config.get("org_id"), **embed_config.get("model_kwargs", {}), ) rerank_config = load_config(args.config, "rerank") rerank_model = SiliconFlowRerank( api_key=rerank_config["api_key"], api_base_url=rerank_config.get( "api_base_url", "" ), model_name=rerank_config.get("model_name", "BAAI/bge-reranker-v2-m3"), **rerank_config.get("model_kwargs", {}), ) # Initialize SQLiteVec sqlitevec_store_config = load_config(args.config, "sqlitevec_store") db_file = sqlitevec_store_config["db_file"] table = sqlitevec_store_config["table"] sqlite_vec = SQLiteVec( table=table, db_file=db_file, pool_size=5, embedding=embedding_model ) # ============ metadata operations ============ # Test metadata functionality cprint("\nTesting metadata operations...", "cyan") # Set metadata sqlite_vec.set_metadata("version", "1.0") sqlite_vec.set_metadata("status", "active") # Get single metadata version = sqlite_vec.get_metadata("version") cprint(f"Retrieved version: {version}", "green") # Test non-existent key missing = sqlite_vec.get_metadata("nonexistent") cprint(f"Non-existent key returns: {missing}", "yellow") # ============ text operations ============ # Add texts texts = [ "apple", # English "PEAR", # English (uppercase) "naranja", # Spanish "葡萄", # Chinese "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", # English sentence "La rápida zorra marrón salta sobre el perro perezoso.", # Spanish sentence "敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了懒狗。", # Chinese sentence "12345", # Numbers "Café au lait", # French with special character "🍎🍐🍇", # Emojis "manzana", # Spanish for apple "pomme", # French for apple "苹果", # Chinese for apple "grape", # English for grape "uva", # Spanish for grape "fox", # English for fox "zorro", # Spanish for fox ] metadatas = [{"source": f"test{i+1}"} for i in range(len(texts))] ids = sqlite_vec.add_texts(texts, metadatas) cprint(f"Added texts with IDs: {ids}", "blue") # Perform similarity search queries = [ "Vínber", # Icelandic for grape "manzana", # Spanish for apple "狐狸", # Chinese for fox "lazy", # English word "rápida", # Spanish word "🍇", # Grape emoji "Café", # French word with special character "123", # Partial number ] for query in queries: cprint(f"\nQuery: {query}", "blue") results, scores = sqlite_vec.similarity_search(query, k=10) cprint(f"Similarity search results: {list(zip(results, scores))}", "yellow") # Rerank the results reranked_results = rerank_model.rerank( query, results, top_n=5, return_documents=True, ) cprint(f"Reranked results: {reranked_results}", "cyan") # Clean up (optional) import os if os.path.exists(db_file): os.remove(db_file) cprint(f"Removed test database: {db_file}", "yellow")