Source code for workflow.codecad_agent

import argparse
import logging
import os
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import simpledialog
from typing import List, Literal

from trimesh import load_mesh

from cicada.coding.coder import Coder
from cicada.common.basics import DesignGoal
from cicada.common.utils import (
from cicada.describe.describer_v2 import Describer
from import FeedbackJudge
from import VisualFeedback
from cicada.geometry_pipeline.snapshots import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CodeExecutionLoop: def __init__( self, describer: Describer, coder: Coder, visual_feedback: VisualFeedback, feedback_judge: FeedbackJudge, max_design_iterations=10, max_coding_iterations=5, ): self.describer = describer self.coder = coder self.visual_feedback = visual_feedback self.feedback_judge = feedback_judge self.max_design_iterations = max_design_iterations self.max_coding_iterations = max_coding_iterations
[docs] def run( self, design_goal: DesignGoal, output_dir: str, max_design_iterations: int = 10, stop_threshold: float = 0.8, ): # step 0: prepare output directory os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Save initial design goal and refined design goal to output directory self._save_design_goal( design_goal, os.path.join(output_dir, "initial_design_goal.json"), ) # Step 1: Refine the design goal using the Describer"START [refine_design_goal]") refined_design_goal = self._refine_design_goal(design_goal)"DONE [refine_design_goal]") self._save_design_goal( refined_design_goal, os.path.join(output_dir, "refined_design_goal.json"), ) iteration = 0 best_code = None best_feedbacks = None best_coding_plan = None is_completed = False # Step 2: Proceed with the code generation and execution loop using the refined design goal while iteration < max_design_iterations: iteration_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, f"iteration_{iteration + 1}") os.makedirs(iteration_dir, exist_ok=True) # Generate executable code using the Coder class"START [generate_executable_code]") generated_code, coding_plan = self.coder.generate_executable_code( refined_design_goal, feedbacks=best_feedbacks, generated_code=best_code, coding_plan=best_coding_plan, )"DONE [generate_executable_code]") if generated_code is None: logger.error( f"Iteration {iteration + 1} - No executable code generated." ) iteration += 1 continue # Save generated code self.coder.code_generator.save_code_to_file( generated_code, os.path.join(iteration_dir, "") ) # render_from_code"START [render_from_code]") is_success, messages, render_dir = self.coder.render_from_code( generated_code, iteration_dir, format="stl" )"DONE [render_from_code]") if not is_success: logger.error( f"Iteration {iteration + 1} - Rendering failed: {messages}" ) iteration += 1 continue else: human_feedback = self._preview_mesh(render_dir) # get_visual_feedback"START [get_visual_feedback]") is_success, visual_feedback = self._get_visual_feedback( refined_design_goal, render_dir, snapshot_directions="omni" )"DONE [get_visual_feedback]") if not is_success: logger.error( colorstring( f"Iteration {iteration + 1} - Visual feedback failed", "red" ) ) iteration += 1 continue # Save visual feedback with open(os.path.join(iteration_dir, "visual_feedback.txt"), "w") as f: f.write(visual_feedback) # Update best feedback and code based on feedback evaluation"START [update_best_feedback_and_code]") if best_feedbacks is None: best_code = generated_code best_feedbacks = visual_feedback colorstring( f"Iteration {iteration + 1} - Initial feedback received", "cyan", ) ) # Check if the design goal has been achieved"START [check_design_goal]") is_achieved, score = self.feedback_judge.is_design_goal_achieved( visual_feedback, refined_design_goal.text )"DONE [check_design_goal]") if is_achieved or score >= stop_threshold: best_code = generated_code best_feedbacks = visual_feedback best_coding_plan = coding_plan colorstring( f"Iteration {iteration + 1} - Design goal achieved! (Score: {score})", "white", ) ) is_completed = True break iteration += 1 if is_completed: finish_message = ( f"SUCCESS!" f"Design task completed after {iteration} iterations." f"Best code: {best_code}" f"Best feedbacks: {best_feedbacks}" f"Best coding plan: {best_coding_plan}" ) msg_color = "bright_green" else: finish_message = f"Design task not completed after {iteration} iterations." msg_color = "bright_red", msg_color)) return best_code, best_feedbacks, best_coding_plan
def _refine_design_goal(self, design_goal: DesignGoal) -> DesignGoal: """ Refines the design goal using the Describer. Args: design_goal (DesignGoal): The original design goal to be refined. Returns: DesignGoal: The refined design goal. """ # Use the Describer to refine the design goal refined_design_goal = self.describer.design_feedback_loop(design_goal) return refined_design_goal def _get_visual_feedback( self, design_goal: DesignGoal, render_dir: str, snapshot_directions: str | Literal["common", "box", "omni"] = "common", ) -> tuple[bool, str]: """ find out rendered object inside render_dir, then take snapshots according to snapshot_directions, then compare with design_goal and generate feedbacks """ # prefer stl if available, otherwise obj, otherwise step. return only one rendered_obj_path = find_files_with_extensions( render_dir, ["stl", "step", "obj"], return_all=False ) if rendered_obj_path is None: logger.error("No rendered object found in the render path.") return False, "No rendered object found in the render path." # take snapshots snapshots_dir = os.path.join(render_dir, "snapshots") os.makedirs(snapshots_dir, exist_ok=True) # Ensure the directory exists snapshot_paths = generate_snapshots( file_path=rendered_obj_path, output_dir=snapshots_dir, direction=snapshot_directions, mesh_color=[0, 102, 204], reaxis_gravity=True, )"Snapshot paths: {snapshot_paths}", "magenta")) # compare with design_goal and generate feedbacks visual_feedback = self.visual_feedback.generate_feedback_paragraph( design_goal.text, design_goal.images, snapshot_paths )"Visual feedback: {visual_feedback}", "white")) return True, visual_feedback def _preview_mesh(self, render_dir: str) -> str | None: """ Preview the rendered mesh interactively and collect human feedback. Args: render_dir (str): The directory containing the rendered mesh file. Returns: str | None: The human feedback provided by the user as a string. Returns `None` if no feedback is provided or if no rendered object is found. """ # Find the rendered mesh file rendered_obj_path = find_files_with_extensions( render_dir, ["stl", "step", "obj"], return_all=False ) if rendered_obj_path is None: logger.error("No rendered object found in the render path.") return None # Load the mesh mesh = load_mesh(rendered_obj_path) # Preview the mesh interactively preview_mesh_interactively( mesh, direction="front", reaxis_gravity=True, mesh_color=[0, 102, 204], # Example color ) # Create a simple GUI to collect human feedback root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() # Hide the root window # Show an input dialog to collect feedback feedback = simpledialog.askstring( "Feedback", "Please provide your feedback on the mesh:" ) if feedback:"Human feedback received: {feedback}") # Process the feedback as needed feedback_file_path = os.path.join(render_dir, "human_feedback.txt") with open(feedback_file_path, "w") as f: f.write(feedback)"Feedback saved to {feedback_file_path}") else:"No feedback provided.") root.destroy() # Close the GUI return feedback def _save_design_goal(self, design_goal: DesignGoal, file_path: str): """ Save the design goal (text and reference images) as a JSON file. Args: design_goal (DesignGoal): The design goal to save. file_path (str): The path to save the JSON file. """ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) try: with open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write(design_goal.to_json())"Design goal saved to {file_path}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to save design goal to {file_path}: {e}") cprint(design_goal, "bright_yellow") raise e
[docs] def parse_args(): """ Parse command-line arguments. Returns: argparse.Namespace: Parsed arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Assistive Large Language Model") parser.add_argument( "--config", default="config", help="Path to the configuration YAML folder", ) parser.add_argument( "--prompts", default="prompts", help="Path to the prompts YAML folder", ) parser.add_argument( "design_task", help="Description of the design task (e.g., 'create a simple skateboard')", ) parser.add_argument( "-img", "--ref_images", type=str, default=None, help="Paths to reference images for the design", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output_dir", default="./design_task_results", help="Directory to save the results of the design task", ) return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def init_models(config_path: str, prompts_path: str): """ Initialize all models and components required for the code execution loop. Args: config_path (str): Path to the configuration YAML file or folder. prompts_path (str): Path to the prompts YAML file or folder. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the initialized components: - describer: Describer instance - coder: Coder instance - visual_feedback: VisualFeedback instance - feedback_judge: FeedbackJudge instance """ # ===== describer agent ===== describer_config = load_config(config_path, "describe-vlm") describer = Describer( describer_config["api_key"], describer_config.get("api_base_url"), describer_config.get("model_name"), describer_config.get("org_id"), load_prompts(prompts_path, "describe-vlm"), **describer_config.get("model_kwargs", {}), ) # ===== coder agent ===== coder_config = load_config(config_path, "code-llm") try: master_code_llm_config = load_config(config_path, "master-code-llm") except FileNotFoundError as e: master_code_llm_config = None logger.warning(f"Master code LLM configuration not found: {e}") coder = Coder( coder_config.get("api_key"), coder_config.get("api_base_url"), coder_config.get("model_name"), coder_config.get("org_id"), load_prompts(prompts_path, "code-llm"), code_master_config=master_code_llm_config, **coder_config.get("model_kwargs", {}), ) # ===== visual feedback ===== visual_feedback_config = load_config(config_path, "visual_feedback") visual_feedback = VisualFeedback( visual_feedback_config["api_key"], visual_feedback_config.get("api_base_url"), visual_feedback_config.get("model_name"), visual_feedback_config.get("org_id"), load_prompts(prompts_path, "visual_feedback"), **visual_feedback_config.get("model_kwargs", {}), ) # ===== feedback judge ===== feedback_judge_config = load_config(config_path, "feedback_judge") feedback_judge = FeedbackJudge( feedback_judge_config["api_key"], feedback_judge_config.get("api_base_url"), feedback_judge_config.get("model_name"), feedback_judge_config.get("org_id"), load_prompts(prompts_path, "feedback_judge"), **feedback_judge_config.get("model_kwargs", {}), ) return describer, coder, visual_feedback, feedback_judge
[docs] def main(): """ Main function to run the code execution loop. """ # Parse command-line arguments args = parse_args() # Initialize models describer, coder, visual_feedback, feedback_judge = init_models( args.config, args.prompts ) # ===== code execution loop ===== code_execution_loop = CodeExecutionLoop( describer=describer, coder=coder, visual_feedback=visual_feedback, feedback_judge=feedback_judge, ) # Create the design goal design_goal = DesignGoal(args.design_task, args.ref_images) # Use the output directory specified in the command-line arguments output_dir = args.output_dir # Run the code execution loop, output_dir)
if __name__ == "__main__": setup_logging() main()